I have a pretty utilitarian relationship with social media.
I have a LinkedIn account, so my potential clients get the impression that I’m a reliable person, and I have a Twitter account because it connects me with a lot of smart people that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to interact with otherwise. That’s all. Together, these hardly cost me twenty, maybe thirty minutes a day.
But Instagram and I have been through too many up-and-downs. On the one hand, using Facebook products causes me severe cognitive dissonance for reasons I have no time to explain. On top of that, mindless scrolling had been eating up too much of my time lately. So I finally decided to uninstall the app. It’s not the first time and probably won’t be the last.
I was talking about this to two friends yesterday. They helped me realize that I am on IG only to follow a handful of people I love, but what got me into zombie-scroll mode were random memes, nudes, cooking, and design inspiration accounts that I mindlessly hit “follow” on. But I didn’t want to miss out on friends updates, so I re-installed IG and Mariekondoed my following down to a select few. I find it hard to believe that’ll be enough to tame the attention-hungry beast. At least I can keep an eye on my friend Dmitrii who’s snowboarding today but has no previous experience and may very well end up breaking his neck.
Haha! Love it. Dmitrii’s last video was a cliffhanger!