From the desk of
When I launched this blog a month ago, I almost named it From the Desk of Felice Della Gatta, though I was quick enough to realize that my friends would’ve rolled their eyes so hard their optic nerves would snap, so I crossed it off the list.
Turns out another publication came out right around the same time: From the Desk of Donald J. Trump by the man himself. Unfortunately, it shut down a few days ago because it had virtually no readership.
There’s a lesson about naming somewhere in there and a few more about startups:
Build hype for the launch.
Shoot a cinematic trailer and use lofty slogans like: “In a time of silence and lies, a beacon of freedom arises.”
Fail fast.
If you see no traction in the first 30 days kill your darling and move on to your next shenanigan, which brings me to the next point:
Pivot, pivot, pivot.
When you do fail, pretend it was just an experiment and that everything is going according to plan. Then randomly choose something else to do next.
To your success,