Ha! So I can't spell grammer to say my life. I will always write grammEr. And I find it hilarious because the only time I actually use the word grammer is to tell someone, "I think there is a grammer mistake here."
I'd consider yours a fringe case but if anybody ever calls you out you know what to tell them: "Ego sum fabricator brands, iugis et musculis et super grammEticam"
Ha! So I can't spell grammer to say my life. I will always write grammEr. And I find it hilarious because the only time I actually use the word grammer is to tell someone, "I think there is a grammer mistake here."
I'd consider yours a fringe case but if anybody ever calls you out you know what to tell them: "Ego sum fabricator brands, iugis et musculis et super grammEticam"